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Hunting for Dinosaurs and Fluency

Growing Independence and Fluency Lesson



Rationale: This lesson is designed to improve students’ reading fluency. Fluency allows for recognition of words automatically, effortlessly, and accurately. Fluent readers can obtain comprehension without spending time trying to decode words. Students will learn to read fluently by decoding, crosschecking, and rereading. Students will gain independence and fluency in this lesson through repeated readings that imp 

rove comprehension.



  •    Copy of Dinosaurs Before Dark by Mary Pope Osborne (class set)

  •    Dinosaur Giphy (Like at the top) 

  •    Paper and Pencils

  •    Timer

  •    Cover-up Critter 

  •    Fluency checklist ( class copies)



1. Say: Today we are going to work on becoming fluent readers! Does anyone know what that means? [ Allow students time to think and answer what they think] Say: Yes and this also includes recognize words easily and read smoothly. This makes reading more enjoyable and helps us to understand what the story is telling us. To become a fluent reader, you have to be able to know a large amount of words without having to decode them. Do you want to work on being a fluent reader?” Well today we are going to work on that and search for some dinosaurs!! Show moving image. [ Be enthusiastic and get students excited about the lesson] 


2. Next:  Shows students an example of fluent versus non-fluent reading. Write the sentence, Annie raced home alone into the woods.”  on the board and then read it very slowly to show how a non-fluent reader might read it. “Annniiiieee racccedd aaalllonnnee into the woooddds.” Say:  “Did you notice how when I read super slow it was harder to understand what I was trying to say? Now I’m going to read the sentence again like a fluent reader”. “Annie raced home alone into the woods.” Say: “Wasn’t that easier to understand? When I read it quicker, smoother, and with more expression I was able to better recognize the words and have a more fluent understanding of the sentence. If I need help to do this I can use my trusty cover up critter. 

(Model how you would use this to students by the sentence on the board)Now it is your turn! I want you to try and read quicker! [ Allow students time to read the sentence on the board and practice fluency] 


3. Say: Today to practice more fluency we will be reading, Dinosaurs Before Dark by Mary Pope Osborne, which is a magic tree house book! I know you all love these books because they are all about adventure and this one is about dinosaurs! Jack and Annie love books like all of you and they have found a tree house with a dinosaur book that whisks them into a world full of these fun creatures, but then they get stuck in this world and are trying to figure out how to get home…We will have to read to find out if they get trapped here or will get home before it is too dark! 


4. Students will then read their book pages 1-5 to themselves one time all the way through. After this, students will be put into pairs and will turn to their partner and read to each other. They must listen as their partners complete the 5 pages of the book they are reading. Give each pair a stopwatch, a fluency checklist, a pencil and a reading time sheet.


5. Say: Everyone is going to get into groups of two with your shoulder partner and we are going to read 5 pages in this book! While your partner is reading, you are going to listen and record on the checklist. [ You can let them decide who reads first or say the person who is oldest reads first] The person recording will tell your partner when to go and start the stopwatch. After you are done, you will switch roles and do this three times. Each time make sure that you are recording the time and filling out the checklist! But remember this is not a race we are practicing. 


6. Walk around the room to assess each student, answer questions, and monitor student progress. After you will assess each student by using the fluency formula to determine words per minute: (wordsx60)/ seconds). Have the students turn in the sheets when they are finished so that you will be able to do this. 


7.  Once students are finished with their fluency chart. Say: “ I’m going to show 3 comprehension questions from the pages that you read with you partner and on your own. Answer these 3 questions about what you learn!









8. After students answer the questions, have them sit down as a class and read a couple more pages in the book so that students can continue to be intrigued and excited about reading. This is also a good time to Say: How do you feel this activity helped you? Or did you enjoy reading fluently with partners? 





Fluency Chart:

Smith, Logan, “A Fluency Vacation with Jack and Annie”:

Book: Osborne, Mary. Dinosaurs Before Dark. 1992. Random House 

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Reading Comprehension Questions:

1. What did Annie see at the beginning of the chapter? ( Monster)

2. What does Jack say he loves? (Books) 

3. What was sticking out of the Dinosaur book that Annie and Jack found? ( A blue silk bookmark) 

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